Nearly done …

Please share!

I am sitting here in the house that I have lived in for 8 1/2 years. All the furniture has gone. There are just boxes and stuff to be taken to the caravan, me, two unhappy cats and a very disturbed Pretzel. I am a little tired. The last two weeks have been manic – trying to move but more importantly my Dad. He died. He died! How did that happen? He was meant to last for a few years yet! So a funeral to help arrange, a tribute to write … lots of 200 mile trips to Hereford. A funeral taking place in a crowded chapel in sunshine.

So now I am sitting here propped up on cushions surrounded by stuff. My heart aches. My body is in pain – my back has never been good and the rest of my body has decided to follow suit. I feel a bit lonely. I realise that I am still hurting, still in pain from a failed relationship. I feel a bit overwhelmed by the amount I have to get done by Friday morning. I am feeling a little sad about leaving this house which holds so many memories.

Reminding myself that this move is such a positive thing. I am continuing on my journey – this is a huge step. It was never going to be easy. This move will mean a new life for me and for my girls. A new life on which I can take time to meditate, help others and be a better mum.

So I have to take a deep breath and keep going!

2 thoughts on “Nearly done …”

  1. So sorry about your dad Tee xx
    You are going through massive life ‘stuff’ or major life trauma as I call it.
    You are doing okay and it all will be okay. Life will never be the same, but you will find your way and there will be many positives.
    Keep talking and posting. Reach out to friends; we are all in this crazy life together. Some sail through and some of us are thrown round, bumped up, down and knocked around.
    Take care 🙏🏼 xx

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