After 52 years …

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My mum had a stroke in November 2017. It left her with no use of her left side. But she has fought! She is determined not to let it beat her. In August 2018 she had a fall – broke her hip. Did she let it stop her? Did she let it all beat her? No – not at all. She carried on fighting.

My Dad – her husband of 52 years was at her side. He was her carer – no one else was good enough. She needs 24 hour care – and he gave it to her. He encouraged her and looked after her. He grew more and more tired – he wasn’t well himself but kept going.

My mum and dad have a relationship that I can only dream of. They love and cherish each other still after all of these years.

Now Dad is in hospital seriously ill. And he is still fighting. Still worried about mum above himself. My mum has lost her carer so has to go into a home. They have lived in their home for 51 years. And still they love each other and support each other. They seem to draw strength from each other. Neither has given up.

Such sad days. But such inspirational days.

I haven’t always understood the life my parents have lived. They don’t understand mine. We argue. We are such different people. But I must admit I am slightly jealous of their relationship. In each other they found the one. Their relationship withstands obstacles and the passage of time. Last night my mum said how lucky she is to have had my dad and to still have him. No more needs to be said.

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