Something different …

Ok – so I am not always walking down this path… I am not constantly reading, meditating, walking and writing. I stop every once in a while to look at the view.  I might have a short stroll down a country lane before coming back to the path.  I try to be careful not to indulge too much in things that can be mind-numbing or distractions from life – but I think that they can still be enjoyed in moderation.

I have already mentioned in other posts that I am a “Nashville” addict.  I love the music and listen to it on Spotify A LOT.  The characters and their search for the life that they want are interesting and warm.  It is a shame that it all came to an end in the finale of Season 6 because I think that there are still stories left to tell.  Scarlet had barely begun her exploration of who was – and what would Maddie and Daphne do with their lives?

I have just finished watching Season 5 of  Marvel’s “Agents of Shield” (See it on Amazon Prime).  It is such a clever, well thought out series full of interesting characters, fantastic plots and loads of energy.  And in the midst of everything is a family – the agents who love and care for each other, who fight then make up, who stick by each other whatever happens.  These agents never give up – they are courageous and strong all with different skills and talents.  Some are deeply flawed but continue to learn and grow.   The time travel aspect of the series intrigues me – can the future be changed?  Is it already set? Are there different versions of the future?  A look at how single, seemingly insignificant, events can change the future.  There must be all sorts of discussions, essays and debates that can be done on the issues, world views and thinking behind this series.